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A day in the life of a Super OWL...

You can expect your child to be participating in a schedule very close to the following:

(a visual schedule will be used throughout the day)

Weeks will be themed and activities, lessons, music etc. will all relate to that theme (animals, space, insects, art, sports and others).


8:00 – 9:15 Arrival Time -  Center play/free play as children get settled
Place name tags on children. 
Bathroom if needed

9:15 Ring chime – practice going to carpet and finding assigned mat
9:15-9:45 - (on mats)
Morning Exercise
Basic stretches
Exercise, push-ups, Shake your sillies out, hugs, weighted vests

Good Morning and Introduction activity.
Attendance/Name Song
“Where is ______” sung to Thumpkin “Where is ________, Where is _______________ Here I am, Here I am How are you today? Very good thank you. Now sit down. Now sit down.
Date and weather – keep simple at first


9:45-10:45 CENTERS

Gather group to carpet and explain center expectations at centers – TEACH/PRACTICE CENTERS Aim for 20 minutes then rotate.
Buddies will work individually with students at each center. 

Big Foam Blocks, Legos
Housekeeping/ Dramatic Play
Science/Sensory Table



11:00AM -12:00PM

Lunch (breaks for staff)



Restroom break if needed

12:15 - 1:00 Recess (outside play if possible othewise Gym play in facility)

1:10 Ring chimes. Students come in and find mat

1:15 -2:00

Lesson & Group Activity/Craft

Sign Language – one per day.
Social Skill

Word Bingo,  Color and shape flash cards and manipulatives

Flannel Board/Puppet Activity

School words

Shared Writing Activity


Restroom Break

2:15 - 2:45 Individual Work,  
Work in work notebooks, sorting colors, Trace Name (review parent's goals/concerns for summer)) Math, counting, flash cards, matching, coloring with in the lines, sorting shapes

3:00 PM Snack

3:15 Clean up & get ready for music

3:20-4:00 Music

Song – “Days of the week” sung to “Adams Family” Days of the week. .... There’s Sunday and there’s Monday

“Today is” song - “Today is Wednesday. Today is Wednesday. Wednesday is the name of today. Today is Wednesday. Today is Wednesday. Wednesday is the name of today. S, M, T, W, Th, F, Sa. Seven days, seven days, In a week. Color Bears – today, tomorrow, yesterday Weather
“Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”
“Ring around the Rosie” “Wheels on the Bus”

Ring around the rosie, Duck Duck Goose

Dancing to Music freestyle

Restroom Break

4:15-5:30 Free Play, Video, Pack up

(staff- review the day, notes for parents, etc)



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