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​Celebrating our differences! Celebrating life!

​Contact Us: 214.499.3439​
Especially Needed was founded in June of 2010 by Heather Astuto. Heather has a daughter with Down Syndrome and discovered how difficult it was to find activities in which she and her family could participate. She also wanted to meet other families in the community that shared the same struggles, stories and experiences. With the help from volunteers, Especially Needed hosted its first Fall Carnival in October of 2010. Families from McKinney and surrounding cities came out to join in the festivities and the positive feedback and praise was tremendous. Especially Needed now hosts not only the Annual Fall Carnival but also A Special Time with Santa and an Annual Easter Egg Hunt. Especially Needed believes that families should have the ability to attend fun events like these with ease so that they can focus on what's important; spending quality time with each other and making special memories. Today, in addition to our successful events, Especially Needed is working diligently to close the gaps and fill the needs of the community we serve, providing resources to individuals with special needs and their families as well as supporting local business partners.
Our History
To build a strong community where individuals with special needs are valued, respected and included.
Our Mission
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